Taffeta Plaid Dress - Forever21
Black Crinoline - Katy K's in Nashville
Heart Tights, Suede Over the Knee Boots - Urban Outfitters
(there is a great, glittery gold bird in my hair that I found at a craft store, but sadly the pictures didn't turn out well enough to see details of the little guy)
Old Crow Medicine Show and Chuck Mead, my parents and Neil, the Ryman Auditorium. All added up to a seriously wonderful New Years.
Noise makers and cool people!!
The Old Crow guys are serious entertainers with a style that is very reminiscent of old time-y radio. When they spoke in between songs, it felt like you were listening to a radio broadcast during the Depression.. which was a very good thing, in case you were wondering. It was a great show with a lot of dancing and instruments and ENERGY - and they even did a little a capella for us during the encore.
Willie Watson is my favorite, by the way.
And apparently they made their big break a few years back at the Ryman. I didn't know that until later on, but it makes me all the more thankful to have seen them on a stage that holds so many personal (and successful) memories for them.
2009 was a solid year. We started it with the Avett Brothers in Charlotte with my sister and brother-in-law and ended it with Old Crow Medicine Show in Nashville with my parents. Besides moving to a lovely city and starting a blog and Etsy shop, it was Neil and my first full year as married kids. And adopting Bloom, and growing in relationships with family and friends (losing some, gaining others). And growing in ourselves, too. And growing together.
In other words, 2010 has to be a true contender to beat up 2009.
So, after a healthy amount of thinking, here are my 2010 resolutions!
1. Create a dress that I'm proud of from scratch. I've become a fan of using old thrift store finds and making them into something new, which is fun. But now I want to learn how to make something from nothing.
2. Find a unique vision for my shop. There are a million vintage Etsy shops.. how do I set mine apart? I need to put more of my own identity into it.
3. Read a nonfiction book from front to back. I like to skip around when I read nonfiction.. an interesting chapter here and there, sometimes checking the index for bits I'm into. I never read nonfiction books in the order that they were written. But what if the authors wrote them in a specific order for a reason?
4. Write regularly in my God journal. I've kept a God journal since my year as an RA in college. That's how I pray, really. I process things better when I'm writing them down.
5. Love more. Always a good thing. Learn to forgive and to find less fault in others.
6. Get involved with Nashville life. Maybe with volunteering, maybe with all of the events the city puts on around the year. All of the flea markets, the craft fairs, the farmer's markets. I want to get to know our city better.
7. Establish a stronger sense of personal style. This is something I really respect about my older sister Rhiannon - she is completely her own and seems to grow in that with every passing outfit. My sister Ash is the same way. I know my style will change and evolve, as does everyone's, but I'd like it to feel more my own, no matter the new switch or trend or direction.
8. Learn to play the violin. Or the harmonica.
I'm going to post these resolutions on the bulletin board near my desk, so I remember them and stick to it. Right next to my Joseph Campbell quotes.
Have you all made up a list for the new year? (Vanessa, I will be your Etsy trading pen pal if you've put that on your list!!)
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