Photos by Neil!
Cream Cable Knit Sweater, Tapestry Satchel, Wool Hat - Thrifted
Peter Pan Collar Blouse, Black Chiffon Skirt - American Apparel
Vintage Reddish Leather Zodiac Boots - Thrifted gift from Rhi
I was lusting after cable knit sweaters from H&M and American Apparel, complaining to my friend that I couldn't find a thrifted (and affordable!) version in that awesome shrunken fit.. until she suggested that I look in the little boy's section for one. Well, I found one.
Not much to say tonight.. it's late and I'm dead tired. I finished my Valentine's dress today! My prize for finishing? Organizing the 500 photos I took of the process after I was done (literally! note to self.. learn to take less pictures). I watched Amadeus while I uploaded and now my mind's racing with all sorts of ideas and plans. Somewhere in between when I graduated college and now, I became randomly obsessed with motivation.. and I learned how to finish the things that I started. Do you guys get that way? I don't know where it came from. It definitely wasn't school.
Happy weekend.. it'll be here soon!
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