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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Info Post


Photos by Neil!

Cream Cable Knit Sweater, Tapestry Satchel, Wool Hat - Thrifted
Peter Pan Collar Blouse, Black Chiffon Skirt - American Apparel
Vintage Reddish Leather Zodiac Boots - Thrifted gift from Rhi

I was lusting after cable knit sweaters from H&M and American Apparel, complaining to my friend that I couldn't find a thrifted (and affordable!) version in that awesome shrunken fit.. until she suggested that I look in the little boy's section for one. Well, I found one.





These photos were taken at a park near the Belle Meade neighborhood in Nashville. It's a park that Neil loves.. he's gotten into trail runs lately and it's perfect for that. Somehow, all of the golden leaves were preserved all winter long on the trees, which makes everything look frozen in autumn. That is, until the new pushes out the old and we have warm weather and flower buds everywhere. I forget how beautiful Tennessee can be sometimes.

Not much to say tonight.. it's late and I'm dead tired. I finished my Valentine's dress today! My prize for finishing? Organizing the 500 photos I took of the process after I was done (literally! note to self.. learn to take less pictures). I watched Amadeus while I uploaded and now my mind's racing with all sorts of ideas and plans. Somewhere in between when I graduated college and now, I became randomly obsessed with motivation.. and I learned how to finish the things that I started. Do you guys get that way? I don't know where it came from. It definitely wasn't school.

Happy weekend.. it'll be here soon!

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