Breaking News
Monday, July 2, 2012

Info Post
heat wave

Flea market vintage silk blouse
Thrifted vintage cotton trousers
Dolce Vita coral wedges
Ampris Loves braided bracelet
American Apparel deadstock leather watch

Nashville, along with most of the country, hit a major heat wave this weekend. Temperatures reached record highs (109 degrees in Nashville before the damage was done), and the crazy hot weather has forced a ban on fireworks this week for fear of fires. It makes us grateful to have air conditioning and a roof - and that our number one concern during this heat is the death of a hydrangea bush in the front lawn.

Before the heat struck hard, Neil and I took these photos out at the City Cemetery.. at the time it was hot but the humidity was so low that no sweat or discomfort was involved as we ran errands around town. I don't know what it is about pink lately but that's the color I seem to gravitate towards during thrift store runs - mostly rose pink in lighter hues and also this coral pink that I'm wearing. The 90s high waist trousers were a great cheap fix, only two dollars at Goodwill. The braided bracelet is courtesy of Ampris Loves (here's a better photo of it) and I've been wearing it a lot lately - it goes with just about everything.

heat wave

heat wave heat wave
heat waveheat wave

More photos here.

We've had a small barrage of company at our place recently (Neil's parents came down for a visit a few days back and before that, a college friend stopped by - we expect another this weekend) and in between visits, I've managed to catch up on sewing/cleaning/watching video games on YouTube. Lots and lots of video games. They are the ultimate sewing companions (I'm still looking for a video game best friend so if you're as dorky as me let me know).

Also, writing and reading quite a bit lately - finished The Great Gatsby (never read it until now, I feel like that's a literary sin or something - did you know Daisy Buchanan was dark haired?) and before that, the Steve Jobs biography by Walter Isaacson. Now I have my eye on Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell (have you read it?) and the super monster hit The Hunger Games, which is sitting in audiobook form on our record player as I write this. You have to cope with this heat somehow.


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